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Ancient arms race sharpened our immune system, which still left us weak

Ancient microbial arms race sharpened our immune system—but also left us vulnerable
At a recent conference held on the evolution of infectious diseases, pathologist Nissi Varki, University of California, San Diego (UCSD), observed that humans suffer from a long list of fatal diseases — including typhoid fever, cholera, mumps, whooping cough, measles, smallpox, polio, and gonorrhea — that don't bother chimpanzees and most other mammals.
Both these bacteria follow the same mechanism to get into our cells: they target sugar molecules called sialic acids. Hundreds of millions of these sugars study the outer surface of any cell in the human body — and human sialic acids differ from apes.
Varki and an international research team have now studied how nature could have struggled to develop new defenses after molecular instability appeared in our distant ancestors. Through studying current human genomes and ancient DNA from our extinct ancestors, Neanderthals and Denisovans, the researchers found an evolutionary explosion of our immune cells that happened at least 600,000 years ago in an ancestor of all three human forms.
As researchers write in Genome Biology and Evolution's current problem, these genetic modifications may have sharpened the body's defenses against the pathogens emerging to target sialic acids — but produced new vulnerabilities. In an additional irony, they say, the characteristic sialic acids of humans were once a defense against disease.
Evolutionary saga is a dramatic example of human-microbe rivalry, says microbiologist Christine Szymanski of Georgia University, Athens, who is not a co-author. "This gives a human perspective on how to keep changing to keep pace."
The domain for this biological arms race is glycocalyx, a sugar-coating that covers the cells' outer membrane. It consists of a bacterial forest from the cell membrane. Sialic acids are at the tip of the strongest roots, sugar chains or glycans, embedded lower in the membrane of fats and proteins.
Despite their importance and number, sialic acids are typically the first molecules to meet invading pathogens. One form of sialic acid, N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac), coats human cells. Yet apes and other humans also bear another, N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc).
According to multiple molecular clock methods, a mutation in the CMAH gene on chromosome six made it impossible for human ancestors to produce Neu5Gc anymore; instead, they made more of another sialic acid, Neu5Ac. "We now learn we have an ancient full structure of the surface of human cells," says UCSD evolutionary biologist Pascal Gagneux, co-author of the new article. Birds, rats, ferrets, and New World monkeys made the same genetic transition independently.
The move likely emerged as a defense against malaria, says UCSD physicist-scientist Ajit Varki, paper's senior author and Nissi Varki 's husband. Malarial parasites that infect chimpanzees will no longer bind our red blood cells with altered sialic acids.
Yet it became a vulnerability over the next million years or so, as Neu5Ac became a preferred gateway for a flurry of other pathogens. At the symposium on infectious disease organized by UCSD's Anthropogeny Academic Research and Training Center, researchers described how multiple diseases evolved to use Neu5Ac to enter cells or evade immune cells.
Coronaviruses are no different. "Many coronaviruses infect cells in two stages — first, by establishing abundant sialic acids as binding sites to obtain
A foothold, and then higher-affinity protein receptors like ACE2, "says Ajit Varki. "Think of it as an initial handshake or the presentation needed before a date can be demanded." Two preprints say the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, also docks with sialic acids before binding to human cells with the ACE2 receptor.
In previous research, Ajit Varki and Gagneux proposed cell structure and the lack of Neu5Gc may have led to the emergence of a new species in our Homo genus. When a woman with only Neu5Ac sialic acids matted with a man who also expressed Neu5Gc, she may have denied the man's sperm or the fetus resulted from it.
More than 2 million years ago, researchers hypothesized, this reproductive barrier may have helped split homo populations into separate groups.
But the change in sialic acid also sparked a new arms race between pathogens and our ancestors. Researchers scanned DNA for immune genes in six Neanderthals, two Denisovans, and 1000 humans in the latest research and even looked at hundreds of chimps, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans. We found evolutionary modifications that "markedly changed" one family of proteins—sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-type lectins, or Siglecs—usually sitting on human immune cells' surface and detecting sialic acids.
Siglecs are molecular sentries: they check sialic acids to see if they are common body components or alien invaders. When Siglecs find damaged or absent sialic acids, they signal immune cells to activate, rousing an aggressive force to strike foreign invaders or clean damaged cells. When, then, sialic acids tend to be natural components of our own bodies, other, inhibitory Siglecs turn down immune responses to prevent targeting our own tissues (see graph above).
Researchers reported functional variations in eight out of 13 Siglecs genomic DNA expressed in a CD33 gene cluster on chromosome 19 in humans, Neanderthals, and Denisovans. This hot spot in evolution happened only invariants in Siglec genes, not in adjacent chromosome genes, indicating that natural selection favored these changes, possibly because they helped combat pathogens attacking Neu5Ac.
Apes didn't show these changes, says first author Naazneen Khan, an evolutionary biologist at Kentucky University. Considering the prevalence of mutations in ancient hominins, this explosion in 


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